Judging how people usually wants easy and quick readings, I bet some of you just click this page right away ignoring the 101 series that precede this, aren't you?
Do not cheat. I promised you. By diligently reading them all, you will save a lot of heartache from making common mistakes in chameleon's care :)
There are TONS (and I do mean tons) of things that are essential for your chameleon well being that I do not cover in this check list..
So, come now.. click the 101 A. and come back to this page later AFTER you read all of the 101 series.
For those of you who have done the home works, congrats! and read onward!
So, here is the Chamworld Blogspot Shopping Check List for the bare necessity:
Enclosures and Furnitures:
- 2 Aluminum Screen cages (18X18X36) and (24X24X48). Females can stay in 18X18X36 permanently.
- 2 live plants with appropriate size to fit in the screen cage (Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis is recommended)
- 2 or more fake jungle vines (i/e: exoterra jungle vines)
- 1 24" Light fixture
- 1 24" ReptiSUN 5.0 Linear
- 1 Lamp clamp
- 1 Incandescent bulb (experiment with wattage to achieve desired temperature)
- 2 Digital probe thermometers with hygrometer built in
- 2 Digital Timers (Recommended to automate Misting system and lights)
- 1 hand pumped spray or 1 misting system (Mistking is recommended)
- 1 Zoomed dripper
- 1 bucket or plastic tote for drainage if required
- 1 Reptivite without D3
- 1 Herptivite
- 1 MinerAll 0
- 1 Repcal with D3
Food item:
- 1 cricket keeper or plastic tote bin to put your crickets in
- 100 crickets appropriate size to last him/ her about 7 - 10 days before you buy another feeder
- 1 bag of dry gutload for your crickets to eat
- 1 water quencher for your crickets to drink (such as orange cube fluker farm/ water crystal)
Go home and relax... Set up your enclosure and everything else. Test run it as if the chameleon is already there. Run the misting schedule.. and see if you have problem with drainage.
See if your temperature fluctuates too high or too low..
See if your humidity is too high/ too low..
Depending on the result of the test run, there will be things you need to buy and change (such as: buying more plants, changing the wattage, drill more holes on the PVC board, etc etc).
Adjust... Adjust.. Adjust... until you achieve the optimal micro habitat for your future chameleon.
--------------IS IT PERFECT NOW?-------
If the answer is yes, then go ahead! go to the expo, call your preferred breeder, and finally..
Get your chameleon.. It will be so happy coming home to its kingdom, courtesy of its owner (you!)
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