2016 Blog Updates

Hello everyone! I can’t believe it’s August already, I can’t believe the speed at which this year is flying by. I know the new blog layout has been live for several months now but I’m going to point out the cool new features for anyone that hasn’t taken advantage of them yet and mention some new projects that I’m going to be working on.

General Ease of Use

The new lay out has a quick and easy Contact Form on the right-side of the blog, where you can quickly email me any questions or comments.  Additionally, the Search Baris more accessible and you can see a list of Top Posts, which are my most-visited posts of all time (thankfully, the most relevant ones, for setting up a cage, sexing panthers, and other general care information.) These should all make reaching the relevant information you're looking for much faster.

My Social Mediaaccounts are all hooked up as well on the right, so if you want to follow my  Instagram account, full of random lizard goodness and latte photos, or my chameleon Pinterest account it couldn’t be easier now.

Additionally, I have set up a Paypal button on the right where you can Tip the Blog if you appreciate the content. I have set it up so that if you would like to leave a little something as a sign of gratitude, to help maintain the blog (hosting services, email account, IT support, etc.) and enable it to grow, then that option is now available.

Contact Me

I have also (finally!) set up a blog-specific email address, so that I never miss another chameleon-related email amongst all my regular emails. As always, feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or clarification you may need, but the address is now Olimpia.Martinotti@Muchadoaboutchameleons.com. All comments and emails through the contact form will go directly to this address now.  

Typically, I reply to emails within the hour during work hours (East Coast time). I will definitely answer any urgent or emergency emails directly from my phone unless I absolutely cannot.

Near-Future Projects

I’m very excited to be working on a few different projects for the blog in the near future. I am working on offering a Youtube channel with video tutorials, I will be working on offering some of the basic content in Spanish, and I am currently building a project (can’t give any details yet!) that should be a really interesting option for anyone that needs personalized help with their chameleons or reptiles in general.

Thank you all for several years of readership, support, and encouragement! If there is anything you would like to see improve on the blog or any additional services I should make available, please don’t hesitate to let me know. What ELSE would be a valuable tool for you as a chameleon keeper, veteran or beginner alike? 
