I haven't updated the story on Guinevere the Meller's in a little while, so I thought I would post some photos to show how much better she looks now. She's about 15 grams away from her pre-illness weight and is looking much more like her old self. No sign of infections anywhere!
Guinevere in the ending phase of her shed. These are more or less her calm colors. |
And this is Guinevere just a couple weeks earlier, looking much more upset. I had to move her to clean her cage and she didn't like it very much at first! |
And while I'm on the subject of Meller's chameleon, a species that is up at the very top of my favorite species list, I want my readers to lend emotional support to my friends over at
The Chameleon Farm, who have been a huge inspiration for me during all of Guin's medical issues. Karen and Jeremy have suffered a series of terrible losses at the farm, where nearly all of their Meller's have fallen mysteriously ill and have died within the last 3 months. You can read about the story here,
on their Blog.
I'm sure it would mean a lot to them to receive more positive support throughout this ordeal and hopefully find answers to what has been going on. They've done a great deal to rescue and save Meller's chameleons, so this is really a tragedy.
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